Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Got a Feelin'

Yes, Elyse loves her Black Eyed Peas. Check her out in her owl costume breaking it down - and us cracking up.

Halloween night - she was so cute. We made it to just one house trick or treating. She was ecstatic and so adorable running down the road with her little bag. She got her first candy and was so excited that running down the driveway, she fell and split her lip open. Poor bud.

But, she LOVED being home to answer the door. So, here is her dancing mid-doorbell ringing. Fun night with our super sweet girl!!

PS: Thanks to JONNITA for making Elyse's costume. It was too perfect!

1 comment:

busycooking said...

So cute! We're cracking up over here! :-)


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