Monday, July 30, 2012

Girls Can Camp Too

Anna, Sue, Elyse and me went camping at Lake Cushman in Hoodsport, WA about a month ago. OJ even came out for the day. Yes, girls can camp too! Even girls like ME! Now, we might have had Bill drive the trailer to our destination AND pick us up, but still! Funny the people surprised that I like to camp. Now, I like it a whole lot better now that we have an RV. I'm pretty much done with tent camping. And I like the RV even better, when it doesn't involve the woods - but I like real camping too. Our first trip just had to be in the woods. Bill was working on our driveway, so us girls decided to go!

Sue took the most precious picture of Elyse and me. The cute backstory is she was really into the kissing. Grabbing my neck (as you can see) and holding the kiss for a long time. We laughed and told her she was so "romantic". I love my girl and so thankful to Sue for capturing this precious mother/daughter moment. She even framed it for me as an early birthday gift. Love.

Here is my summary of the fun:

* OJ learned how to french braid (Carin, that is for YOU). 

* The best ice cream ever is Olympic Mountain Ice Cream - the Vanilla Salted Caramel and Kentucky Pie were TO DIE FOR. Elyse had her tongue out the entire time. So cute.

* No phone service for a whole weekend - and we survived!

* Sharon gave us an awesome backpack and it was perfect for our hike.

* The girls enjoyed how we brush Elyse's teeth. Yes, we sing the ABC song - hey, it works!

* We ate better camping than we do at home. Anna is a great cook and hooked us up!

* Our hike at Staircase is really one of my favorite places on earth. The moss just hangs everywhere - it is so beautiful. The water is a beautiful turquoise and the green - it is everywhere. Simply magical.

* Elyse possibly did watch many episodes of Caillou when she was stuck inside as it was raining. She would wake up asking for, "Cai!!"

* The girl did awesome sleeping in the RV.

* Anna didn't even mind the white noise (not everyone gets to hear a waterfall sleeping in their RV!)

* Us girls proudly got the awning up by ourselves! Yes!

* We survived a four hour power outage (haha).

* Good times with great women.

Here you go!

Lake Cushman Camping Trip from Courtney on Vimeo.

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