Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Haircut

Disclaimer: As a working mother, my blogging has really lagged. I try so hard to keep it all up and sometimes - something has got to give. When the diapers are clean, clothes put away and grocery shopping is done - I don't have quite as much time for blog posts. HOWEVER, I am going to make it a commitment to try and get at least one post a week done - even if they are belated. OK, excuses done.

Elyse got her first haircut a week after her first birthday. We just got her bangs cut. It was getting really long and I try to keep it pinned back with a barrette, but those often don't stay long in her hair. We needed to do something.

I had a hair appointment with Jennifer and she was happy to do a quick trim for us. It was just a quick few snips.

She didn't mind at all - as long as she got to hold one of Jennifer's combs. (Thanks to Kathy - in the mirror - for taking the pictures).

My big girl.

Happy girl - new bangs!!

So special knowing my Mom has spent hours in this salon getting her hair done. Jennifer even drove out to my Mom's house when she was under hospice care to do her hair. Jennifer is also the one who introduced Bill and me. Our friend Anna goes to Tangles and now Evelyn and Marcie too! And here we are with our own little girl getting her hair cut by Jennifer!! Special day!

Thanks, Jennifer!

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