Baby D is growing steadily, having gained about four ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long, she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up.
This is the last week of the second trimester. While the first trimester seemed to take forever (being so sick), the second or "honeymoon" trimester, has flown by. I can tell the third is quickly approaching. This last week, sleep has become increasingly more uncomfortable and there has been more than one night I've given up trying to sleep or have had to get up at a crazy hour because I could no longer lie in bed. I was hoping this wouldn't happen to me, but I'm even having a bit of heartburn in the middle of the night, so I've had to readjust my pillows to keep my head up. Oh, the joys of pregnancy!
We've made more progress on the nursery. We've purchased a few more items and my painting buddies, Marcie and Annie were back on Saturday to paint the furniture.
Anna brought her little Boston Terrier, Susie.
Susie was a big help - she even got pink on her bum!
But, after all that hard work, she got tired...
I found these very cute handles and our plan was to spray them white. Did you know some finishes you can't paint? The paint just runs off? Wait, you knew that? Why didn't you tell me? :-)
I'm crushed our idea didn't work. I'm also very disappointed I got flat paint for the furniture and now we had to purchase more paint to re-coat. At least that dresser was only $25.00 because I'm racking up the bill in paint. Bill did a great job today getting the new top coat on everything.
My friend Kim came down and helped me finish off my baby registries. My, oh my, that is an overwhelming process. I settled on registering at three places Target (of course), and Simple Cloth. Simple Cloth is a cloth diapering store I've mentioned here previously. They have a website and for my local friends they are downtown next to the Lemongrass restaurant. Each store allows you to keep a separate registry and Simple Cloth uses which can sync all of your registries in one place - very cool. It was daunting to see all of my items in one list. As first time parents, we need so many things, it wipes me out making decisions. Thank you, to Kim! She was a great help! Kim uses cloth diapers so she was invaluable on the diaper selections and still has little ones at home so was equally helpful on finalizing the Target registry.
On a final note, I was talking to someone this week and they said, "No, I didn't know you were pregnant! I just thought you had gotten chunky!" You've just got to laugh, right? As one of my staff told me, "It could have been worse. At least you ARE pregnant!"
That about wraps up the week. I am due for a Week 24 picture, so check out the month's progress and forgive the poor bathroom lighting.

Hi! it has been a while ~ love the baby belly pictures!! I didn't do that and I regret it!
Your pup is so cute too!
thanks for the tip on simplecloth! We wanted to add some cloth diapers to our registry but the bigger department stores didn't really offer good option. sounds really convenient and seems to cater to our eco-friendly/budget needs. Thanks for the heads up. How is Target baby? Do they offer great baby selections? We don't have a local Target but I do know a lot of relatives enjoy shopping from them online!
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