Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thoughts of Mom / ALS Walk Reminder

ALS Walk - 2009

Last week, my friend Andrea brought me cards that my Mom sent off to her when she was in college in New York. They were sweet, genuine and supportive messages of encourgament to Andrea when she was so far away. It touched me reading them and it meant even more Andrea would share them with me. Just today, I got a Facebook message from a friend of my Mom's that read:

Hello Courtney! I have SO been meaning to write you to tell you that I think of your Mom OFTEN! She was one of the nicest and most friendly and funny and compassionate women that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. We used to have lunch together at Dairy Queen, when we both worked at _______, and she always ordered their chicken strip basket I remember (one of MY favorite foods as well). I really loved her and she was so very proud of her children. I am very happy for you, Courtney, married now, and with a sweet little (now one-year-old) baby girl!
I'm sharing this because not only do these memories touch me, but because I encourage everyone to share memories of loved ones that have passed. It is a tremendous gift. Another way to share and give tribute to their memory is by doing something in their honor.
Next week (Saturday, September 24) is the ALS walk. Please visit this link for the details. Please consider signing up or by making a donation (you can donate any amount). The walk sponsors the ALS Evergreen Chapter. They've did so much for my Mom and continue to support people with ALS and their families like Melissa Erickson.
If you plan to walk, please don't be later than 9:30 so we can get our group photo. It is at
Fort Steilacoom Park and here is a link to directions.

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