With much anticipation and insurmountable excitement, Bill and I would like to share with you that we’re EXPECTING A BABY in early September – the day after Bill’s birthday. We’re finally ready to share with the world as we’ve heard the heartbeat and even seen our little one on an ultrasound (yes, there is definitely only one!). We are about to enter the second trimester.
Why have we kept it quiet? This is such a personal decision for many couples. For us, we understand the sobering reality of the possibility of miscarriage in those early weeks. Our clinic even told us they’ve had many early term miscarriages lately. If, God forbid, anything did go wrong we didn’t want to have that random person that “heard it from someone else” ask how the baby is doing. We know we’re not totally out of the woods. There is a miracle going on in my belly and anything could happen. But, the percentage of that frightening possibility is now much smaller.
I’ve felt like a liar so many times and personally my best tactic for not telling is avoidance. I’ve had my share of awkward moments, like the night I was out to dinner with my girlfriends and one of them leaned in and whispered, “How’s the baby?” I looked at her not sure what to say and she said, “Your dog. How is your puppy?” Oh my, that was a close one!
Some people were really hard to keep it from – OJ for one. However, I just thought about how excited she’d be if I could tell her and explain the risky period was already over. We wanted to share this news with everyone when all of us could be excited. We haven’t even been ready to hear the word “congratulations” up until now. Our nurse was the first one to say those words on our voicemail and we winced a bit hearing it. However, we are now ready to celebrate – with you.
Announcements. One very fun thing about waiting (if you can stand it), is being able to tell family members in fun and unique ways. It is such a gift and when it is planned, you can do it a little creatively. We’re telling everyone differently. Sweet cards have gone out in the mail. Little gifts have been purchased. Phone calls planned.
This is the best part and what has carried me though the many days (and nights) of feeling so tired and sick.
When did we find out? We found out January 4, 2010. It was a Monday and we both had the day off planning to see the movie Avatar. I took a pregnancy test that morning and was surprised, yet curious when there was a second faint line. I had planned in my mind how I would tell Bill – and let me tell you. This was not it. I just asked him, “Look at this. A second line showed up. Usually nothing shows up, but it is so faint. What do you think?”
I got on the computer and Google’d “faint line pregnancy test.” I found some surprising results. The majority of what I read said if you have a faint line, your body is detecting pregnancy hormones. It probably isn’t a strong test (mine was from the dollar store). You’re likely newly pregnant and that line will just get darker as the days pass.
Several purchased tests later (digital made things pretty obvious!) and a trip to the doctor the next day to check my blood work – our pregnancy was confirmed!

How has it been going? Oh, my. Just ask Bill. As I mentioned, I’ve been sick, sick, sick. I am incredibly tired and 7:30 p.m. has been my normal time to turn in. My hormones have been raging (again, poor Bill). He has been such a trooper – he’s taken on all of the household duties. He has been an amazing support. I couldn’t have made it through without him. No, I’m not showing and probably won’t for a bit longer. Nausea has started to improve – rather than constant terrible sickness everyday – I now have more good days than bad. Thank goodness! That part has been rough!

Now that the cat's out of the bag, I can also tell you this. My sister and I are due one day apart! When I found out she was pregnant it was crazy not saying anything, but again, we were cautious. Well, now here you go - ten years apart in age and pregnant at the same time and I'm due just one day before her. Wow.
Next, I hope to post some photos from a couple of our announcements. Thanks for sharing in our exciting news!
How has it been going? Oh, my. Just ask Bill. As I mentioned, I’ve been sick, sick, sick. I am incredibly tired and 7:30 p.m. has been my normal time to turn in. My hormones have been raging (again, poor Bill). He has been such a trooper – he’s taken on all of the household duties. He has been an amazing support. I couldn’t have made it through without him. No, I’m not showing and probably won’t for a bit longer. Nausea has started to improve – rather than constant terrible sickness everyday – I now have more good days than bad. Thank goodness! That part has been rough!
Now that the cat's out of the bag, I can also tell you this. My sister and I are due one day apart! When I found out she was pregnant it was crazy not saying anything, but again, we were cautious. Well, now here you go - ten years apart in age and pregnant at the same time and I'm due just one day before her. Wow.
Next, I hope to post some photos from a couple of our announcements. Thanks for sharing in our exciting news!

B & C
Courtney and Bill: I am so excited for you both. Just the other day I was wondering if a baby might be in your near future.
I loved how you blogged about what your journey has been so far. You'll be such wonderful parents!
Blessings and lots of love,
Oh, Courtney! I am so happy for you and Bill. Congratulations!
Allison E.
oh me oh my. mommas to be. your baby doesnt look like it has near as much room in there as mine does... lol. they are gonna be the best of friends i hope. so exciting that we are going through this exciting chaos at the same time. i definitely understand the raging hormones. poor guys. feel so sorry for chad sometimes too :0(
we will get over it though. it has already went so fast huh? yipee yahoo. love you. congrats to both of you. cant wait to see the little ones
CONGRATULATIONS COURTNEY!!!! Your little one is so blessed to have you both for parents! I'm very happy for all three of you!
Love, Andrea
I'm so happy for both of you! You will be great parents! Enjoy every minute of it, because it goes way too fast!
YEAHHHHHH!!! I am so happy for you both! Congratulations :-) Can't wait for the updates!
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