Friday we "planned" to stop by Fred and Francie's and figured Tanner and Maggie would be there. T&M were at home with their babysitter and F&F would be home shortly. So, quick plan change. We decided to tell our niece and nephew first!
We had little shirts for them that said "BIG CUZ: Tanner" and Maggie's said, "I'm getting a new baby cousin." They were super excited when we showed up with gifts. Here they are tearing into them.
As they pulled the shirts out, I had to explain what they said and what they meant. It still wasn't sinking in yet though.
And here it is - BAM! It clicks. Maggie is tickled and Tanner... Oh my, Tanner. I should have seen this coming.
Have I mentioned that Tanner and I have had a great connection since he was a baby? He loves his Aunt Courtney - and vice versa. He was NOT having this. His words, "I am NOT happy about this baby one bit!" He ran off with his shirt to hide it.
OK, back to Maggie. I knew she'd be happy. She learned last Spring about how babies grow in bellies. She was convinced there was one growing in mine. I was like - oh no. Her Mom figured I had a secret then, but nope, that was all Maggie!
Here's Tanner's shirt. I literally had to pry it from him to get a picture of it (notice the wrinkles). Hmmmm - hopefully he gets over this soon. Or some year. :-) We actually have them next weekend and I am trying to plan something special to make up for it. We'll see!
NEXT, it was on to Bill's parent's house. Have I mentioned HOW FUN THIS IS? Francie's birthday is next week, so our plan for them was easy. We just said we had an early gift for her and couldn't wait. It is a little handmade plate with a bluebird that says, "Can't Wait to Meet You, Grandma. Love, Baby." She opened the package, looked at the plate and then - BAM - It clicks. She squealed with delight. Fred was across the room and still didn't get it even after Francie pulled out the ultrasound photo - "AND AN ULTRASOUND TOO?!"!! I went over to show Fred and he was just as excited.
We headed home as Corey and Carson were stopping by after work. I told Corey we need some advice on concrete block (not a total lie) and I had something for him. He opened his gift of a baby onesie that said, "I Love Uncle Corey" and looked at me and said, "Did I just read what I think I did?" as he pulled it out of the tissue! Excitement.
We told Carson and he didn't really understand (he's two after all), but he was happy because we were happy!
Keri came over and we went out for Mexican dinner. Keri said she had wondered last month when we went to dinner. I've been trying so hard to conceal not feeling well and asked, "How did you know?" She said, "You ordered Sprite with dinner. You never order that." Wow! That girl is good!
The next day we went to Grandma Jo's. We left her a message that morning and told her what time we'd be over. We arrived to find Grandpa alone. He said she never checks the answering machine and she had just left for the store adding, "She usually takes a really long time." We were so disappointed! We just sat and visited and decided to let Gramps in on the secret. We said we'd come back Sunday morning and tell Grandma. I wish I had a picture of his reaction. He just gasped and sat there was his mouth open. He said, "I promise I won't tell her. It'll be hard, but I won't tell her." So cute.
We then headed up to Seattle. It was Deana's birthday the day before and we were meeting Brad and Deana at their RV in Bothell to go to dinner in downtown Seattle. I gave them the gifts and said, "Here are Deana's gifts, but they are joint gifts so you have to open them together." Brad opened his first. It is a Martha Stewart brand pillow called the "Grandpa". We taped our ultrasound photo to it. Of course he thought this was about Talea so we told him to read the name on the ultrasound! He was so excited, "Really? Really? Now I have someone to take to the punkin' patch!" Deana was so excited she could barely open hers, a bib that says, "I Love Grandma." They were just tickled!
What a fun 24 hours! I felt a little sick after dinner - although it had NOTHING to do with the our awesome dinner. We visited for a while, left Bothell at 8 p.m. and I literally slept the whole way home and went right to bed when we got back. I even slept in until 9 a.m. Sunday. I cannot believe how exhausted I was.
Grandma left a message, "I won't be home until 2:30 Sunday. Don't know what you are bringing by, but I don't want to cancel my plans." UGH! She's killing me making me wait to tell her.
I had a baby shower that afternoon (I know, timely) and stopped by afterward. Needless to say, she was more than happy. She also got a plate, "Can't wait to meet you, Great Grandma. Love, Baby".
She took one look at that plate and knew exactly what it meant.
She told me, "I'm gonna be a good Great Grandma. And I'm gonna love it whether it's a boy or a girl." So sweet.
Fun, fun weekend.
Love all the stories . . . what sweet moments for the entire family to share. Congratulations B&C!! I can't wait to meet your little bundle of joy!
I am SO SO SO SO happy for you and Bill, Courtney!! I can't wait to meet the newest Dutra. Praying that you will continue to be healthy and that the baby will thrive! Love to you and Bill!! xo
Love the grandma plate. Isn't it exciting to wait for a baby to come?
This was so sweet! What fun you made this for your whole family!
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