Years ago, I bought a china cabinet from Ikea that I never really liked and Bill just despises. I found this at a garage sale just doors down from my friend, Jessica. It was just $35.00! We changed out the knobs ($12), Bill added a piece of beadboard ($20) and painted it green (free) with paint we had leftover from the nursery. We LOVE it!
It looked funny in the corner without anything on the back - the beadboard really makes it!
We ordered an upholstered rocker and ottoman for the family room to rock little Baby D. I found this great fabric and made a pillow for it as well as some matching ones for the couch and chaise.
I've mentioned previously about our cheap-o garage sale dresser. Thanks to, I took their idea and lined the drawers in super cute gift wrap (there's a how-to in the link if you want to "try this at home"). A little matte Modge Podge and they look great.
I've seen a lot of nurseries with mirrors above the crib - just makes me nervous. I compromised and Bill sturdily hung one above the dresser/changing table. I found lots of mirrors I liked, but at crazy prices. I really should have taken a "before" pic of this one. It was $60 originally and marked down several times due to its beat-up condition, down to $14.00. Score! Bill sprayed it white and it looks much better. Shelving from Target to hold baby's toiletries for changing.
I just loved this decal from Etsy.
I read that a fan in baby's room can help circulate the air and be a preventative measure against SIDS. Baby D will be safe AND cute - check out this fan!
I had shown this lamp already (Target), but it came with a black lampshade I was going to cover in fabric. I had begun to have some technical difficulties. Fortunately, Marcie called today and found this at Marshalls - perfect!!
And outside of the nursery...
I'm making more burp cloths. I still need to make some for my own baby. In the meantime, here are some I have pinned and ready to sew for my cousin, RaeAnna. She is so cute, she is due a month before me. She kept saying the other night at a birthday dinner, "I am so over it." We'll see if I'm saying that in another month.
I love the chenille fabric for this baby stuff, but boy does it fluff everywhere!
Marcie and I went to Bark and Garden and got some flowers to fill pots on the back patio. These really make me happy!
Ahhhhh, flowers.
Excuse me for all the flower posts.
Last, but not least... Here's Wilson mewing away because I'm outside and he's not.
What cheers you up and takes you away from stress?
I love all of it!! I need you to come decorate my house!! =) I love owls... so now I need to go to Target and consider that lamp! ha ha! and did you turn those shelves upside down or do they come that way?? I need those in my bathroom... then Merlin won't eat my TP! =) Thank you for your comment today... have I mentioned I am trying to read Beth Moores "so long insecurity!" ha ha! =) I am what she calls a miracle! So funny!
The shelves came that way - although I guess you could hang them whichever way you like! The owl lamp is on-line - yes, check it out! Thanks so much!!
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