This pregnancy is considered full-term, meaning Baby D is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which we’ll find in her first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. As I worry about giving birth, I need to consider what it’s like for my little one. During the journey out of my womb, Baby D will produce more stress hormones than any other time in her life!
We had a doctor's appointment today. I found I tested positive for Group B Strep. It really isn't anything to worry about too much. It does mean I could pass it along to baby so during labor they will treat me with antiobiotics through my IV. Dr. S wasn't too worried today about baby's size. She said her belly measures small (something they watch when concerned about large babies) and she again mentioned her long legs! Long legs and small stomach - Baby D sounds like a supermodel! She said she doesn't think a c-section is necessary at this point, although they will keep monitoring my progress. Baby has now dropped as far as she'll go before delivery - now I know why I've been a little more uncomfortable this week. I was at an off-site meeting yesterday and at one point we were at the bargaining table almost two hours. When I went to get up I had this awful pain shooting down the inside of my legs. Dr. S said that is likely the baby pressing on my sciatic nerve. Good times.

Oh, the swelling. Fred Flintstone feet for sure. The above photo is yesterday after being in an all-day meeting and not enough elevating my feet. Bill has been great at giving me peppermint lotion footrubs. The swelling at times can be bad enough it actually hurts a bit, but it really helps. I don't have much longer left to work and I'm cutting back on my hours in the office given these difficulties, so hopefully my feet will do a little better. My favorite quote of the week. This was an e-mail from my Aunt Sue remarking on my swollen feet: "HOLY SH**!!! Now that's what I call swellin'! It doesn't even look like your foot. Looks painful though. Hope it gets better REAL soon. Love ya, Sue." That's my Aunt - she tells it like it is!
As uncomfortable as all of this can be, it still isn't awful. Yes, I don't move very fast. Yes, picking up something off of the floor can be a bit of a chore. Yes, I have to do creative adjustments of pillows to get a good night's sleep. And, speaking of sleep, yes, I am snoring like a logger and keeping my husband awake. Even with all of that, it is crazy there is about a seven pound baby inside me. It really could be a lot worse. It still never fails to be a miracle to me.
Expecting a baby girl always means fun gifts. Look what arrived today from my good friend, Carin. Carin gets an A+ for creativity. Love it!

Last Monday, we had a tour of labor and delivery at our local hospital. I had the fortune of being there almost three years ago when my nephew was born. However, they've done an extensive remodel since that time. It is amazing - it is like a whole new hospital.
Not much longer. And yes, I'm getting very nervous.
OMG!!! Bless your little heart. It won't be long now...can't wait to see picture of your Baby D. Keep those feet up and'll do great!
I love those 'I Love My Aunt' things from Carters!!! I totally bought my nephew the bib! :) I wasn't as quick to think though and didn't write my name on them!
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