Katherine Lee Wallis - 7/29/55 - 6/12/07
Hard to believe, in less than one month it is time again for the annual ALS Walk in Tacoma - September 25, 2010. Mark your calendar now.
DETAILS HERE. Our team name is again KATHY'S CREW.
I am hopeful you will consider:
a) Joining us again for this walk.
b) Join us for the first time (it really isn't too long) OR
c) Make any size donation to the ALS Evergreen Chapter. Seriously, even $5 helps and it is tax-deductible.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The ALS Evergreen Chapter was a God-send to my Mom and my family. They provided such complete care and assistance to our family from her time of diagnosis to her passing. There are people right now suffering from ALS who need our help. We can no longer save Mom, but we can support her memory and help others. But, even if you can't afford a donation - please consider coming out to walk. It isn't a difficult walk, it is fun and it means the world to our family. I miss my Mom every day and it is events like this that help me cope. Every year, someone new participates and I just can't tell you how meaningful it is to me.
I will warn you. This baby is due September 10 and the doctors have said they'll let me go only one week over. I do plan to be at the walk, but I won't be able to be my normally organized self in terms of planning, invites, directions. So, please if you would like to participate, visit the link, mark your calendars, take note of directions, etc.
We hope to see you. We will be there with Mom's newest grandbaby. Baby D's first event in support of her Grandma - surely not her last.
For more on Mom's story, visit her blog.
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