Call it what you will - I'm getting ready for baby. I've been washing up blankets, clothes, her little diapers and cloth wipes.
For those interested in cloth diapering... Below are size 0 Kushies for when she is little (on the left) and Thirsties Size 0 covers (on the right) (She will graduate to BumGenius all-in-one diapers about three to four months).
We will certainly use disposable wipes, but will try to use cloth whenever we are home (you just toss it in with the dirty diaper anyway). I bought tons of baby washcloths on E-bay). Perfect!
I've made dozens of burp cloths this last year for others. Several months ago, I was at the sewing machine late into the evening and Bill asked, "When are you going to make some for our baby?" Well, I finally did and Wilson helped.
I whipped up about ten burp cloths this weekend. I used scraps from the quilt Evelyn made and I have to say - they are pretty darn cute.
Every time I sew with that chenille it looks like it is snowing in the sewing room and it seems my belly is a the perfect lint magnet.
I'm feeling alright. I'm obviously uncomfortable at times and sleeping is becoming more and more challenging. I've actually found sleeping on the couch to be the most comfortable for some reason. I have been very tired lately. I wish there was a way I could fit in naps during work this week as I have this weekend. I have some off-site meetings this week that can go late - this could get challenging.
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