My Aunt is encouraging me to take more frequent pictures since we don't if Baby D is going to come early or late. My bags are all packed now with camera batteries all charged up so forgive the most recent pic taken with my cell phone!
Tomorrow is technically 39 weeks, but close enough. It has been so much easier on me not working. I've had increasing trouble sleeping at night, so it helps to be home so I can sneak in a nap if I need it during the day. For those who like the details, baby is fully dropped, I'm 75% effaced and one to two centimeters dilated.
"No, no baby yet". It is funny, it isn't even my due date yet, but I've been answering that question a lot. I figured it might be a good time to start sharing more about our plan for D-Day. It will be Bill and Aunt Sue in the room and both are carting their cell phones wherever they go. Next door neighbors are on board to put Libby outside in the morning if we head out overnight and Marcie is going to come get Libby and/or stay here with her and Wilson. Our bags are packed and we are ready!
I wanted to make some up-front promises to family and friends regarding Baby D's delivery. Here we go:
I PROMISE to leave a message or text if I call and miss you between now and baby. I've scared a couple of you already, so no more missed calls from me without explanation.
I PROMISE there will be a post on this blog once we have a baby. My mother-in-law thinks I'll be blogging while in labor. While I don't know that for sure, I do commit to getting something on this site (not Facebook) as soon as I can. I've even asked my blogging friend Jess to get one out there for us right away. We may not have pictures right away, but you'll have the news!
I PROMISE if you don't wait in the waiting room until baby is born that it won't hurt my feelings. I know people feel differently about this and it won't bother me either way. I have no crystal ball, but something tells me this isn't going to be a quick process.
Here's what I can't promise:
I cannot promise we will call anyone on the way to the hospital. We might wait until we get there and make sure labor is really happening - we'll see how it goes.
I cannot promise we will call every friend and/or family member. We will ask that friends/family members who are called to let others know. I worry about this one and know I may not be "with it" enough to pay attention and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. However, I know that word-of-mouth, text messaging and this blog will be handy for getting the word out.
I cannot promise to know how up to visitors I will be after baby. A friend asked me this question and the truth is, I just don't know. But, call or text and I will let you know and I promise to be honest. I can easily picture it going either way! There's a reason I always show up smack dab in the middle on those Meyer's Briggs personality tests. Sometimes I need my space and sometimes I want to be around lots of people. It just varies.
We had an appointment yesterday and the doctors are very pleased with my blood sugars and are no longer worried about baby's size. Dr. Sorenson's estimation is that she was 7.5 pounds yesterday, so not as big as we'd originally feared (OK, I originally feared).
Our next appointment is Wednesday the 8th and Dr. Sorenson said I could schedule an induction day any day from my due date (Friday, September 10) through the week after. We don't know yet how we feel about that, so we will see how things go.
Either way - it looks like Baby D will be making her appearance sometime in the next couple weeks. Stay tuned!
Hi Courtney, Oh my - just saw the feet pic. :-( Sorry! Otherwise, love all the prego pics. There seems to be a big different with week 38 and 39. Is it because the baby is dropping or maybe it's the fit of the shirt. I love being included on your little adventure and learnings through your blog. :-)
Gooooooood Luuuuuuuck! I love all of the little promises and not-promises that you made your friends & family! As much as you think you'll be fretting about this that and the other I bet you will be overwhelmed with love and joy for your little one and forget much of these worries!!!
Enjoy yourself and your time with your little family!!!
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