At three days old Elyse was so tiny, the photographer had to pin her hat to fit her.

At eight weeks, it fits her now. No safety pins!
Before Carin flew out for a visit, she sent this monkey for Elyse.
It arrived in a ziploc bag before she got here with specific instructions for Elyse to cuddle with it before Carin's arrival.
You see, Carin had slept with it for a few nights so it would smell like her and help Elyse feel more comfortable with her once they met.
I love that. Elyse does too.
My friend Kim came by with some headbands for Elyse. I have known Kim since I was a little girl. When I was in elementary school, my friend and I spent the night with her and the next morning she drove us around downtown with the windows shouting out a tour on batter operated microphones and loudspeaker. LOVE that memory.
She was so excited to meet sweet Elyse. This headband says BFF. Too cute!
And this pic - it is just because she is so cute.
And sweet as can be.
Good thing her doggie is always close by to protect her.
Her kitty is never far away either.
And still quite the character.
I love the "random" pics and especially the cute little gray and polka dot dress :)
She's changing so much, I can see you guys are having lots of fun.
- Kim S.
She's just so darn cute, Courtney. Love the pics and captions. :)
Thanks to you both! And Elyse LOVES the special clothes she was lucky enough to get from the cuties next door! We think of them all the time as we are getting dressed!
Oh my gosh, this post made me SMILE!! :) Thank you for that!! She's just so adorable!!
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