Almost a year to the day I found out I was pregnant, I am returning to work. I have so many mixed emotions. Most of my friends tell me it won't be as hard as the anticipation, but I still don't like it. What a difference a year makes. Last year, I had a great job, wonderful staff, positive environment. I was newly pregnant, scared, SICK and quietly excited (we didn't share the news until safely to the second trimester). As the year went on, the job became increasingly different as we entered a merger. I found myself unsure of my future employment, increasingly stressed and going out on job interviews with a big, pregnant belly. I was fortunate enough to get a new position, a promotion, a quieter environment and boss incredibly supportive of my upcoming delivery (I started with them the first day of my maternity leave).
I am heading in 2011 starting this new job. I couldn't be more thankful and I've been preparing myself emotionally and I think I'm ready. That is, until I look at this face.
Yes, get ready for more pictures of my sweet pea.
My precious girl.
So beautiful.
Love her.
We heart her.
She's getting so big.
He loves his girl.
My owl girl.
I am going to miss snacking on those cheeks at my leisure.
She does enjoy Sofie.
She loves her new exersaucer (thanks, Kim!).
So much fun!
This is almost always how she takes a bottle. She covers her arm with it and/or or her face.
With Grandma Deanie.
Love from Grandpa Brad.
Lovin' on the girl.
She's pretty fun just to gaze at.
Her first Nordstrom trip - with Aunt Marcie and Uncle Allen, of course. She told me she's hooked.

As part of my preparing to return to the workplace, I asked last month about getting a window covering for my office window so I could pump at work. I was very shy about asking, but so glad I did. I didn't know if I'd keep up breastfeeding this long so I waited to ask. Now that it is time to go back to work, I realized how important it was for me to continue. I enjoy that bond with Elyse and will do whatever I can to continue to provide her with breast milk everyday (in addition to formula). What a blessing when today, I had a visit from my neighbor and hero in the world of breastfeeding in Washington State. She helped me talk through my issues about returning to work, including ways to continue to bond with baby, pump at work, etc. She was a huge support and it really helped me as part of emotional preparations. It couldn't have been better timing!
This first week, Bill took Monday off. Elyse goes to Evelyn's (Gram-E) on Tuesday, Francie (mother-in-law) on Wednesday and Thursday and home with Dad again on his normal Friday off. She will be well-cared for, but I'm sure to soak up my precious time with her each evening. I deeply value and appreciate the time I've been given to stay home with her. I realize I've had more time than most. Thanks for your support!
I can't imagine what it is like to leave your baby girl. However, I am in the position of caring for the babies that have mommies that need to work. :o) My sister-in-law has a similar situation worked out where I have my little Nickolai Mon-Wed and she is able to stay home Thursdays and then daddy is home on Fridays. I'm sure in the coming weeks your mind will be put to rest when you see that your baby girl is happy with her Grandmas and that you have adjusted back into your job. My SIL's biggest hump was just accepting that she loves her job also and all that it provides for her son is worth it. :0)
Good luck! Little Elyse is a doll!!!
You're so fortunate to have family close by who are willing and able to watch Elyse while you're at work. We're not in that boat - and I find myself wishing that we were from time to time!
I hope that your return hasn't been quite as hard as you were expecting. I'm back to work myself exactly one month from today. It makes me feel like a bad mom when I read posts like this one because, although I will miss my G Monster sooo much when I go back, I'm also excited at the prospect of diving back into projects again...and having less lonely days due to more adult interaction :)
Jen, please DO NOT feel like a bad Mom. You had such a good, long amount of time off. You are going back to your same job and you've had plenty of time to prepare yourself. I'm feeling so much better at the end of the week. I worked out a way to squeeze in a little extra time with my girl. I am really excited about the prospects of my new job. It really feels like the best of both worlds. The beginning of my week started out SO hard, but was so much better by Friday. I got to meet some of the people who directly benefit from our work. It was EXACTLY what I needed. That plus the option of some flexibility to have some better baby-time has left me on Cloud Nine!
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